Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fundraising: it's not as intimidating as it seems.

The cardinal rule: don’t be afraid to ask, repeatedly, nag even. Keep in mind always, you’re not asking for a hand-out, your not asking for money for yourself, you are asking them to help you save lives. Don’t not ask because you think someone can’t afford it or won’t donate anyway, give everyone the opportunity to be a part of this. If they can’t they won’t but mostly they just need the opportunity presented to them. Remind everyone you talk to that it’s tax deductible.

With the economy being what it is, fund raising is not as easy as it used to be. Just keep in mind that people really feel they need something for their money so even when simply asking for a donation it’s a good idea to go to a web site like orientaltrading.com and purchase giveaways.
Pink jelly bracelets are inexpensive and very popular. Pink ribbon tattoos to give the little ones is good too. Also remember, you shouldn’t have to shell out any money. Any initial monies you invest get reimbursed to you and the rest of the proceeds go to your goal. And remember, be creative! If people see something unique that makes them smile, they’ll be more likely to donate.
The most important fund raiser you can do is send a letter with a self addressed envelope to absolutely everyone you know. Explain to them what you are doing and why. When your walk is and when you need the check by if they choose to send you a check. Inserting the self adressed envelope makes it more likely that they will send a donation if they don't have to hunt up an envelope. And give your web page address for your Avon walk page so they can donate online if they choose.
Then send update letters. It takes several reminders sometimes. Most people truly intend to donate, they just forget.

The following is a list of fundraisers and the explanation of how to run them. I haven’t done them all but I know they have been successful for others.

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