Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Baskets: I purchased a pink ribbon cooler from Amazon and filled it with items I bought off Ebay and Oriental Trading. The total cost was between $50 and $55. Then, ask a local restaurant if they would donate a gift certificate. Wrap the whole thing in cellophane and on the tag, list the contents except the certificate. List that as the surprise inside valued at… People will buy tickets just to know what the surprise is.

You can get a roll of tickets at places like Staples. Just have them put their name and phone number on the half you keep so you can call the winner. I sell the tickets one for $10 or 3 for $20. If you work in an office or hubby does, that’s the perfect place to do this one. Run it for about 2 months before you pull the winner. That way you have a couple of pay-days in there and people are more likely to buy more than one if they can split it up over a couple of pay periods.

50/50: sell raffle tickets for a certain period of time, 6 weeks to 2 months is good, (again more than one pay period in there) at the end of the raffle, the winner gets half the pot and the other half goes toward your goal. I personally sold them for $20 a piece. When all was said and done, the winner got $1,000 and so did I. Remember to remind everyone, repeatedly, that the more tickets you sell the bigger the pot is. I bought a computer program that I can print up my own tickets with because I knew I would be using it a lot and I could quickly print up more tickets if I needed them. But there are sites that you can design them and have them printed for you. This is a great one to get family and friends involved it. Give them a bunch of tickets and have them sell to family and friends.

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